a little bird told me
Once upon a time, there was a boy who liked going to talk to his friends.昔々、あるところに友達と話すことが好きな少年がいました。His name is Peter.少年の名前は、ピータ。He talked 100 friends ,100 times everyday.ピータは100人の友達と、100回、毎日お話をしていました。Every his friend found joyful of his talking, so they would come to him when they happened to see him outside.その少年の友達の皆は、少年を話を聞いて楽しんでいました。友達は外で少年を見つけると、少年の所へ近づいて行きました。One day, he heard a very interesting story from one of his friends.ある日、少年はとても面白い話を、少年のともだちから耳にしたのです。It was about Jon, who was his friend.それは少年の友達のジョンの話でした。He thought,"Wow, this is a really fun story. I must let my other friend know it! They will surely be surprised!"少年は思いました。「なんて面白い話なんだろう。皆にも教えなきゃ!絶対に驚くぞ!」So he went around to his