第2回 Watch out for red flags! 英文履歴書の危険なサインに気を付けて


第2回目のブログでは前回に引き、採用担当者に向けた「Watch out for red flags!( 英文履歴書の危険なサインに気をつけて)」です。これは求職者にとっても履歴書を書く上でとても良いアドバイスになりますね!



[Long Employment Gaps with Empty Experience.]

Almost everyone has some gaps in their resume, and they can be due to bad market conditions, cutbacks, illness, death in the family, 
self-employment, starting a business etc. These gaps are to be expected in a regular candidate’s application. 
[The red flag in an employment gap are long periods of no activity at all.] These candidates should be questioned further to discover what this gap was due to. Last thing you want is for that candidate to have a bad history from a previous employer.

[Another red flag is if the candidate’s work experience on their resume only includes the years that they worked at a job. The resume should at least indicate the months that the candidate was employed.]
Again, this should be more carefully examined.

Long Employment Gaps with Empty Experience.
The red flag in an employment gap are long periods of no activity at all

Another red flag is if the candidate’s work experience on their resume only includes the years that they worked at a job. The resume should at least indicate the months that the candidate was employed.

さて、2つ目のRed flag(危険なサイン)は下記ブログの中にあります!

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Mistakes.

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation should be correct in the application. When the applicant has corrected their resume and cover letter, then they are already ahead of the rest of the applicants who did not. When an employer can find mistakes in the resume, it usually indicates to them that the candidate may not be the detail oriented and organized person that they are looking for. We are living in the day and age of word processors so there is no excuse why a candidate cannot use the spelling and grammar check quickly and easily.
