

14 件中 1 - 14 件表示

The day is just around the corner.

I have just made the above illustration from scratch. to share the feeling of the day coming.We wish you a Merry Christmas.It's in about 2 weeks!Have you got ready??If so, you must have someone who you think is really special.I hope you make it better than ever.If you want to try your English, just write me one.Leave whatever you try to say on the comment.See you.  

Let's Enjoy Studying English for Kids

Only three words Sun, Cloud and Sky in this video.I hope this video helps your kids to enjoy studying English step by step.I hope our next generation in the world will see, listen,talk and even experience lots of things by using English which is globally spoken.Please support me keeping to be able to save children in need of help by subscribe me.(チャンネルの登録、どうかよろしくお願いいたします。)Everything for Children.

Let's Enjoy Studying English for Kids(Big & Small)

Only the word 'big' and 'small' in this video with picture, music and sound which hold kids attention on the movie.I hope this video helps your kids to enjoy studying English step by step.I hope our next generation in the world will see, listen,talk and even experience lots of things by using English which is globally spoken.Please support me keeping to be able to save children in need of help by subscribe me.(チャンネルの登録、どうかよろしくお願いいたします。)Everything for Children.Thank you for your nature.

Let's Enjoy Studying English for Kids(Tall&Short)

Only the word 'tall' and 'short' in this video with picture, music and sound which hold kids attention on the movie.I hope you find it gives you a little moment.

Let's Enjoy Studying English for Kids(Full&Hungry)

Only the word 'full' and 'hungry' in this video with picture, music and sound which hold kids attention on the movie.I hope this video helps your kids to enjoy studying English step by step.I hope our next generation in the world will see, listen,talk and even experience lots of things by using English which is globally spoken.Please support me keeping to be able to save children in need of help by subscribe me.Everything for Children.

Movie1for Kids to Learn English.

Learn English for from Babis up to kids at kindergarten.Only the three words Happy, Angry and Sad.but with variety of pictures , which hold learners heart to study.The last part of the video shows some subjects of issues on the nowadays world, such as the global warming , extreme weather and so on.I hope this helps every kids to have a fair opportunity to learn and catch something important which our next generation need to get along with.

consist, compose,constitute,comprise

Each word of the above has an etymology.The followings  show it.1.consist = con + sist = (together) + (stand) : to be based on or depend on something. consist of A and B (✖ is consisted of ): to be formed from two or more things or peopleThe rate of orphan-adoptions in Japan consists of 98% of adult adoptions and 2% of child ones.The adult adoptions consist in assigning a scion on a Big company.2.compose = com + pose=(together) + (put aside, lay down): to make or create by putting together parts or elements.98% of adult adoptions and 2% of child ones compose the whole rate of orphan-adoptions in Japan. However, Japan has the highest rate of adoption in the world as well as the US.To take a l

translate, interpret

original version --------------------------------------------------------------------------------approximately 10 million our offspring in the world are isolated from potentiality of being sophisticated. In exchange, their irreplaceable epoch are being formulated mercilessly in modern slavery.some are compelled to be laborious servants in mines,brick kilns, sweatshops and private homes. Others consecrate into indecent exploitation or vending narcotics.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------interpreted version--------------------------------------------------------About 10 million children in the world are taken from the access to education. Instead, t

Problem, Issue, Matter, Trouble, Question

Problem:About a half of the world population is categorized down to poverty.Almost of all the people in poverty lives on less than $5.00 a day.It is a problem.(You feel very negatively in this fact, and we, who have a comparative sound life,  might think the unfairness should be made up.)Issue:According to governmental survey in 2015, the rate of single morthers is 14.2% out of Japanese whole population, as well as that of single fathers is 0.16%, on top of that nearly a half of the children  with a single parent is under poor live. In some worse cases, they have meal once a day, which is the time of the school lunch.(You feel sorry about this. we, who were fed 3 times a day without hindranc

can't be bother to

There is a family of 3 people which lives in a rural area.あるところに、田舎の町で3人家族が住んでいました。A father, mother and boy. The parents are too busy working their vast and boundless farm to take good care of their kid.父親、母親そして男の子。父親と母親はとても忙しく男の子の面倒をあまり良く見れていません。At any point, the boy has got a sound mind. And he feel not lonely that he even don't share his time with his parents. Because he's got these friends.しかしながら、男の子は健全的です。父と母と過ごす時間は少ないものの、男の子はそんなに寂しくは感じていません。When he comes at the stream, his friends of fish will splash out of the water to say hello.男の子が小川に行けば、友達の魚君達が水しぶきを上げて、水から出てきて挨拶をしてくれる。As at the forest, his friends of deer will leap out of the bush to give a polite bow.森では、友達の鹿くん達が茂みから跳び出して、丁寧なお辞儀をし

Could that have been you?

Here, the sun is brightly shines and under every creature is vividly alive.The wind flies by moody. It's  quickly one time,gentry another time.ここの太陽は煌めき輝き、全ての生きるものに逞しい生命力を与えている。風は気まぐれに飛び、忙しく飛ぶときもあれば、優しく飛ぶときもある。There exists a royal sea nearby. It gives infinite thoughts.近くには、高貴なる海が存在し、無限の思考を与えるくれる。Overhead, the sky eyes like a child giving an innocent mind.頭上には空の目が、子供の様な無邪気な目で見ている。A woman, who is from somewhere, spends the rest of her life here.何処から来たのだろうか、女が残りの人生のをここで費やしている。She has made not slightly nice house. It's a handmade log cabin. Some of the logs are newly, other some lichen has settle down on, the a few others are almost fallen into decay.彼女はお世辞にも言えない素敵な家を建てた。それは木の丸太で作られいる。幾つかの丸太は新し

a little bird told me

Once upon a time, there was a boy who liked going to talk to his friends.昔々、あるところに友達と話すことが好きな少年がいました。His name is Peter.少年の名前は、ピータ。He talked 100 friends ,100 times everyday.ピータは100人の友達と、100回、毎日お話をしていました。Every his friend found joyful of his talking, so they would come to him when they happened to see him outside.その少年の友達の皆は、少年を話を聞いて楽しんでいました。友達は外で少年を見つけると、少年の所へ近づいて行きました。One day, he heard a very interesting story from one of his friends.ある日、少年はとても面白い話を、少年のともだちから耳にしたのです。It was about Jon, who was his friend.それは少年の友達のジョンの話でした。He thought,"Wow, this is a really fun story. I must let my other friend know it! They will surely be surprised!"少年は思いました。「なんて面白い話なんだろう。皆にも教えなきゃ!絶対に驚くぞ!」So he went around to his

As Intended

「目的どおりに・意図したとおりに」it sounds like cleverness and somehow cunning.聞こえは、「賢いさ」、どことなく「狡猾さ」も。Example 1.Keep an eye on your employees to work as intended.従業員を意図したとおりに働くよう、目を光らせておきなさい。Decades ago, if my boss said it to me, I might go to grape a whip and keep my presence high-handedly 24h,365days without any second to loose it.もし一昔前に、私の上司がその様な事を私に伝えたら、恐らく私は鞭を取り、24時間 365日、1秒も緩めることなく、威圧的な態度でいただろう。But now a day, I have got to take another way for such an intention. Otherwise, I would go to jail.しかし現在では,別の方法を取らなければならない。さもなければ刑務所いきだ。I would probably be gently or kind to my employees. 恐らくわたしは物腰柔らかく、そして優しく彼らに接するだろう。I think the most essential attribute for holding them following me can be to be attractive.部下が

Send a root into the earth

In Japanese [地に根を張る。]What almost of all people in Japan come up with a thought when they hear "Send" is such as "Send a letter", "send a luggage ,"send a good" and so on.英語の「Send」と聞いて、大抵の日本人が思い浮かべるのは、「手紙を送る」、「荷物を送る」、「品物を送る」等であるだろう。However, there are some certain unique of the English background, which gives you clear understanding of it.しかしそこには英語特有の背景があり、単語「Send」の理解に繋がります。First of all that you need to know is that the word of send means more likely "make something/someone to go ".まず初めに知っておいて頂きたいのが、「Send」とは本来「何か(誰か)を行かせる」の意味である。As you see now, it feels like "GO", but not only "deliver".お解りのように、「行く」の語感が強く、「配達」の語感ではない。So it is not strange when you say " I will Send you to the new department".です
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