Problem, Issue, Matter, Trouble, Question

About a half of the world population is categorized down to poverty.
Almost of all the people in poverty lives on less than $5.00 a day.
It is a problem.
(You feel very negatively in this fact, and we, who have a comparative sound life,  might think the unfairness should be made up.)

According to governmental survey in 2015, the rate of single morthers is 14.2% out of Japanese whole population, as well as that of single fathers is 0.16%, on top of that nearly a half of the children  with a single parent is under poor live. In some worse cases, they have meal once a day, which is the time of the school lunch.
(You feel sorry about this. we, who were fed 3 times a day without hindrance, would think that we should bring the issue to the national government to discuss it to establish a relief system.)

!!!!!Now  Question time!!!!
Question 1: How many children in Afghanistan felt victim to landmines in 2008.
The answer is 393

Q2: Where do these landmines come?
A: These landmines are the remnant of war and conflict.

Q3:Why did these children  step on the landmines.
A:Because children play, travel to school, even help to contribute their family's incomes in tenuous post-conflict economies.

Q4:It's believed that children are greater risk than adults. Why.
A: Because they ARE children. Adults have adequate risk management against the land mines, however children tend to lose their caution of it.

Q5:What can we do to save children from the tragedy.
A: Unfortunately, there is few things that you alone can help it, but we can spread about this underlining sacrifice by telling.
(When you here the word "Question", you would have to answer like this.)

Bob: Hi Ann. How's it going? You look no good today.What's wrong with you?

Ann: Hi Bob. I haven't got sleep very well these days. this personal bug has been keeping me thinking.

Bob: Oh, so you are in trouble.I can help you if you like.

Ann: Thanks, Bob. Actually, I lost my job recently due to the corona pandemic and my husband,too. We are able to keep our family life so far, but at last our saving money and aid run out. It's no problem for me and him, but my kids, we don't know what to do.

Bob: Hey Ann. It's not a trouble , because you know it's not personal nor only you, but a social problem. We can say it's a issue, too. Then we should go to the local community center for advise first. We can also help you get a temporary job, but it could be mush less payments than your previous job.

Ann: Oh, that's not a matter. I need any helps to protect our kids.Thanks Bob.

(Trouble is usually mentioned to personal.)
(Matter feels neutral,but negative.)
