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【期間限定】英検準1級 スピーキング 二次試験 オリジナル予想問題 真似できる模範解答付 DAY5

DAY5 You have one minute to prepare. This is a story about siblings who participated in a robotics contest. You have two minutes to narrate the story. Your story should begin with the following sentence: One day, siblings were doing their homework in the living room. Questions ▶NO.1 Please look at the fourth picture. If you were the father, what would you be thinking? ▶NO.2 Do you think it would be better to let the child decide the course of his or her future? ▶NO.3 Will programming be required in the future? ▶NO.4 Are Japanese people working less hours these days than they used to? ナレーション例 [track33]The siblings were diligently working on their homework in the living room when their mother

【期間限定】英検準1級 スピーキング 二次試験 オリジナル予想問題 真似できる模範解答付 DAY4

DAY4 You have one minute to prepare. This is a story about a college student who works part-time as a food delivery man. You have two minutes to narrate the story. Your story should begin with the following sentence: One day, a man was about to leave his house. Questions ▶NO.1 Please look at the fourth picture. If you were the college student, what would you be thinking? ▶NO.2 Do you think people in their 20s should live alone? ▶NO.3 Do you think delivery food services will continue to evolve? ▶NO.4 The evolution of AI technology has been remarkable in recent years. Will AI-equipped robots make our lives more comfortable? ナレーション例 [track25]One day, a man was about to leave his house when he s

【期間限定】英検準1級 スピーキング 二次試験 オリジナル予想問題 真似できる模範解答付 DAY3

DAY3 You have one minute to prepare. This is a story about a woman who started going to the gym. You have two minutes to narrate the story. Your story should begin with the following sentence: One day, a woman was on her way to work when she noticed a new gym that was open all year round. Questions ▶NO.1 Please look at the fourth picture. If you were the woman, what would you be thinking? ▶NO.2 Do you think more people today go to the gym than in the past? ▶NO.3 Should people be judged by their appearance? ▶NO.4 Japan is a declining birthrate and aging society. Do you think Japan's population will continue to decline?ナレーション例 [track17]One day, a woman was on her way to work when she noticed a

【期間限定】英検準1級 スピーキング 二次試験 オリジナル予想問題 真似できる模範解答付 DAY2

You have one minute to prepare. This is a story about a man who was offered a transfer to a rural branch. You have two minutes to narrate the story. Your story should begin with the following sentence: One day , a man was called into the conference room by his manager. Questions ▶NO.1 Please look at the fourth picture. If you were the woman, what would you be thinking? ▶NO.2 Do you think it is better to get married in modern times? ▶NO.3 Do you think pregnant women and single mothers in Japan receive enough support? ▶NO.4 These days, there are issues to be discussed about local food. Should governments encourage more local food consumption?ナレーション例 [track09]One day, the man was called by his

【期間限定】英検準1級 スピーキング 二次試験 オリジナル予想問題 真似できる模範解答付 DAY1

DAY1 You have one minute to prepare. This is a story about an old man who switched to an electric car. You have two minutes to narrate the story. Your story should begin with the following sentence: One day, an old man was driving home from work.  Questions ▶NO.1 Please look at the fourth picture. If you were the man, what would you be thinking? ▶NO.2 Do you think Japan will have more self-driving cars in the future? ▶NO.3 Will the number of people with side jobs increase in the future? ▶NO.4 There is a problem that inbound demand in Japan is decreasing.Do Japanese local governments provide adequate public services for foreign travelers?ナレーション例One day, an old man was driving home from work.


みなさんこんにちは。本日は久々に英検ネタです。今回は英検準1級の英作文にフォーカスを当てていきます。1、英検準1級の英作文問題3級から段階的に受けている方にはお馴染み英検名物の英作文。階級によってトピックの難易度や指定文字数が変わります。準1級のインストラクションは以下のようになっています。● Write an essay on the given TOPIC. ● Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer. ● Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion ● Suggested length: 120~150 words TOPIC Will societies with low birthrates face a crisis in the future? POINTS ● Workforce ● Food shortage ● Technological innovation ● Environmental problem インストラクションから英語になっておりますが、他級と比べても内容に大きな違いはありませんので、英検に慣れている方なら問題ないかと思います。トピックに対して、扱うべきポイントが4つ箇条書きされているので、ここから2つ選んで自分の意見と絡めて書いていきます。2級では、このポイントを使うかどうかは受験者に委ねられていました。しかし準1級では、どうやらトピックを使うのは必須条件のようです。某Youtuberがポイントを使わずに英作文を書いた
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