【期間限定】英検準1級 スピーキング 二次試験 オリジナル予想問題 真似できる模範解答付 DAY2

You have one minute to prepare.
This is a story about a man who was offered a transfer to a rural branch.
You have two minutes to narrate the story.
Your story should begin with the following sentence:
One day , a man was called into the conference room by his manager.

Please look at the fourth picture. If you were the woman, what would you be thinking?

Do you think it is better to get married in modern times?

Do you think pregnant women and single mothers in Japan receive enough support?

These days, there are issues to be discussed about local food.
Should governments encourage more local food consumption?

ナレーション例 [track09]
One day, the man was called by his boss into a conference room. His boss told him, "I want you to be the store manager at our rural branch." The man listened to his boss's words while worrying about his wife who was pregnant.
That night, he went home and told his wife the news as he changed his clothes. " Congratulations! We’ll have to get ready to move." his wife said with a smile.
Six months later, they were happily enjoying a meal in their new home. The man imagined his wife and baby playing together in their room.
However, after another month, his wife was sitting alone in a dark room watching TV. Feeling lonely, she squeezed her phone and hoped for her husband to come home soon.


One day, the man's boss called him into a meeting and offered him the position of store manager at a branch in a rural area. The man was worried about his pregnant wife while listening to his boss. That night, he shared the news with his wife, who congratulated him, but after a few months in their new home, she started feeling lonely and wished he could come home soon.

解答例とアイディアを [track10]
Please look at the fourth picture. If you were the woman, what would you be thinking?

I'd be thinking that I miss my husband and wish he could be home more often. I might be feeling a bit sad and longing for the times we used to spend together before he became the store manager.
夫がいなくて寂しい、もっと頻繁に家に帰ってくれたらいいのに、と思ってしまいます。 彼が店長になる前に一緒に過ごした日々を懐かしく思い、少し寂しさを感じているのかもしれません。

▶NO.2 [track11]
Do you think it is better to get married in modern times?

 Pros Standard level
I think so. Marriage in modern times can provide emotional support, companionship, and a lifelong partnership. It offers the opportunity for shared responsibilities, mutual growth, and a sense of belonging and stability in a rapidly changing world.
そう思います。 現代における結婚は、精神的な支え、仲間、そして生涯にわたるパートナーシップを提供します。 それは、急速に変化する世界において、責任の共有、相互の成長、帰属意識と安定の機会を提供します。

 Pros Beginner level
Yes, I think so. Marriage today brings happiness, love, and a sense of belonging. It allows two people to share their lives, support each other, and build a family together. It's a special bond that creates a happy and secure home for children.
はい、そう思います。 今日の結婚は幸福、愛、そして帰属意識をもたらします。 2人が人生を共有し、お互いをサポートし、一緒に家族を築くことができます。 それは子供たちにとって幸せで安全な家を築く特別な絆です。

 Cons Standard level
No, I don’t think so. It's important to note that marriage is a personal choice and may not be suitable for everyone. Some individuals may prioritize independence, career goals, or prefer alternative forms of partnership. It's crucial to consider individual circumstances, values, and desires before making a decision about marriage.
結婚は個人的な選択であり、すべての人に適しているわけではないことに注意することが重要です。 個人によっては、独立性やキャリア目標を優先したり、別の形式のパートナーシップを好む場合があります。 結婚について決断を下す前に、個人の状況、価値観、願望を考慮することが重要です。

 Cons Beginner level
No, I don’t think so. Marriage is a personal choice. It's not for everyone. Some people prefer to be independent or focus on their careers. It's important to think about your own circumstances and what makes you happy before deciding about marriage.
結婚は個人の選択です。 誰にでも当てはまるわけではありません。 独立したり、自分のキャリアに集中したりすることを好む人もいます。 結婚を決める前に、自分の状況と何が幸せかを考えることが重要です。

▶NO.2 [Ideas for Pros] [track12]
1.Legal and financial advantages: Marriage offers legal protections and benefits, such as tax advantages, inheritance rights, and access to health insurance and other benefits provided by employers.

2.Social support and belonging: Being married can provide a sense of belonging and social support within a community or family network.

3.Parenting and family life: Marriage often provides a stable foundation for raising children, allowing couples to share the joys and challenges of parenthood together.

1.法的および経済的利点: 結婚により、税制上の優遇措置、相続権、健康保険や雇用主が提供するその他の福利厚生へのアクセスなど、法的な保護や利益が得られます。

2.社会的サポートと帰属意識: 結婚すると、コミュニティや家族のネットワーク内で帰属意識と社会的サポートを得ることができます。

3.子育てと家族生活: 結婚は子育てのための安定した基盤を提供することが多く、夫婦は子育ての喜びと課題を一緒に分かち合うことができます。

▶NO.2 [Ideas for Cons]
1.Marriage can involve challenges and conflicts, as individuals with different backgrounds and personalities come together. Maintaining a healthy and harmonious relationship requires effort, compromise, and effective communication.

2.Marriage often involves financial responsibilities and shared obligations. Couples may need to manage their finances together, which can sometimes lead to disagreements or financial stress.

3.Some individuals may feel restricted or limited in their personal freedom and independence within a marriage. They may have to compromise on their individual goals or desires to prioritize the needs and expectations of the partnership.

1.結婚には、異なる背景や性格を持つ個人が集まるため、課題や対立が伴う場合があります。 健全で調和のとれた関係を維持するには、努力、妥協、効果的なコミュニケーションが必要です。

2. 結婚には多くの場合、経済的責任と共通の義務が伴います。 カップルは家計を一緒に管理する必要があるかもしれませんが、それが意見の相違や経済的ストレスにつながることもあります。

3. 結婚生活における個人の自由や独立が制限されていると感じる人もいます。 パートナーシップのニーズや期待を優先するために、個人の目標や願望を妥協する必要があるかもしれません。

▶NO.3 [track13]
Do you think pregnant women and single mothers in Japan receive enough support?

 Pros Standard level
Yes, I think so. I think Japan has made efforts to support pregnant women and single mothers through policies and programs. These initiatives aim to provide maternity leave, childcare services, and financial assistance, ensuring the well-being of women in these situations.
日本は政策やプログラムを通じて妊婦やシングルマザーを支援する努力をしてきたと思います。 これらの取り組みは、産休、育児サービス、経済的援助を提供し、このような状況にある女性の幸福を確保することを目的としています。

 Pros Beginner level
Yes, Japan helps pregnant women and single mothers. They can take time off work when they have a baby, and there are places where they can leave their children when they go to work. The government also gives them money to help with expenses.
はい、日本は妊婦とシングルマザーを支援しています。 出産時には仕事を休むこともできますし、子どもを預けて仕事に行ける場所もあります。 政府も彼らに経費を援助するためにお金を与えます。

 Cons Standard level
I don't think so. Despite some efforts to support pregnant women and single mothers, there are still challenges and gaps in the current support system(s). More comprehensive policies, resources, and social acceptance are needed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by these individuals.
私はそうは思わないです。 妊婦やシングルマザーを支援するための取り組みはいくつかあるものの、現在の支援制度には依然として課題やギャップが存在します。 これらの人々が直面する特有のニーズや課題に対処するには、より包括的な政策、リソース、社会的受容が必要です。

 Cons Beginner level
I disagree. While there have been efforts to support pregnant women and single mothers, the current support systems still have gaps and challenges. To address their needs effectively, we require improved policies, more resources, and greater social acceptance.

▶NO.3[Ideas for Pros] [track14]
1.Financial stability: Assistance programs and resources can help pregnant women and single mothers achieve financial stability and provide for their families.

2.Positive impact on children: Adequate support can contribute to a nurturing environment for children, fostering their well-being and future success.

3.Empowerment and personal growth: Supportive services can empower women to pursue education, career goals, and personal development.

1.経済的安定: 援助プログラムとリソースは、妊婦やシングルマザーが経済的安定を達成し、家族を養うのに役立ちます。

2.子どもたちへのプラスの影響: 適切なサポートは、子どもたちの育成環境に貢献し、子どもたちの幸福と将来の成功を促進します。

3.エンパワーメントと個人の成長: 支援サービスは、女性が教育、キャリア目標、自己啓発を追求できるようにすることができます。

▶NO.3[Ideas for Cons]
1.There is a shortage of childcare facilities for children while mothers are working or studying.

2.Some jobs lack flexibility in hours or do not provide time off options for mothers.

3.Unmarried mothers are sometimes subjected to different treatment by people, which is unfair.




▶NO.4 [track15]
These days, there are issues to be discussed about local food.
Should governments encourage more local food consumption?

 Pros Standard level
I think so. Encouraging more local food consumption has numerous benefits, such as supporting local economies, reducing carbon footprints from transportation, and promoting healthier, fresher food options.
そう思います。 地元での食料消費を増やすことには、地域経済の支援、輸送による二酸化炭素排出量の削減、より健康的で新鮮な食料の選択肢の促進など、多くの利点があります。

 Pros Beginner level
I agree. Governments should promote eating locally produced food. It helps local businesses, reduces pollution from transporting food, and offers fresher and healthier choices.
同意します。 政府は地元産の食品を食べることを奨励すべきです。 地元企業を支援し、食品の輸送による汚染を軽減し、より新鮮で健康的な選択肢を提供します。

 Cons Standard level
I don't think so. While promoting local food consumption has benefits, there are also some drawbacks. These may include limited food choices, seasonal availability, and potential higher costs compared to mass-produced alternatives.
私はそうは思いません。 地産地消にはメリットもありますが、デメリットもいくつかあります。 これらには、食品の選択肢が限られていること、季節限定の入手可能性、大量生産された代替品と比較してコストが高くなる可能性が含まれる場合があります。

 Cons Beginner level
I disagree. Eating local food has good things, but there are also some bad things. Less food choices, only available in some seasons, and it may cost more than other options.
同意しません。 地元の食べ物を食べると良いこともありますが、悪いこともあります。 食べ物の選択肢は少なく、一部の季節にしか提供されず、他の選択肢よりも高価になる場合があります。

▶NO.4[Ideas for Pros] [track16]
1.Supporting Local Economies: Eating local food helps support farmers and local businesses, contributing to the growth of the community's economy.

2.Reducing Carbon Footprint: Local food has fewer transportation miles, leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions and a positive impact on the environment.

3.Building Community Connections: Buying local food can foster stronger connections between consumers and farmers, promoting a sense of community and food security.


2.二酸化炭素排出量の削減: 地元の食品は輸送距離が短く、温室効果ガスの排出量が減少し、環境にプラスの影響を与えます。

3.コミュニティのつながりの構築: 地元の食品を購入することで、消費者と農家の間のつながりが強化され、コミュニティの意識と食品の安全性が促進されます。

▶NO.4[Ideas for Cons]
1.Seasonal Availability: Certain local foods may only be available during specific seasons, which can limit year-round dietary options.

2.Higher Prices: Local food products might be more expensive due to smaller-scale production and distribution costs.

3.Less Convenience: Buying local food may require visiting farmers' markets or specialized stores, which can be less convenient than one-stop shopping at supermarkets.

1.季節限定: 特定の地元の食材は特定の季節にしか入手できない場合があり、年間を通じての食事の選択肢が制限される場合があります。

2.価格の高騰: 地元の食料品は、小規模な生産と流通コストのため、より高価になる可能性があります。

3.利便性が低い: 地元の食材を購入するには、ファーマーズ マーケットや専門店に行かなければならない場合があり、スーパーマーケットでのワンストップ ショッピングに比べて利便性が劣る場合があります。

田舎の支店 rural branch
妊娠中 pregnant
握りしめた squeezed
数多くの numerous
炭素排出量 carbon footprints
季節の seasonal
入手可能性、利用可能性 availability
代替、選択肢 alternatives
広まり、普及 prevalence
促進する、育成する foster
不正の unauthorized
