

2 件中 1 - 2 件表示


例えばスピーキング力をどうやって上げるかという話の場合I am practicing speaking English in three ways. Basically, I need some input and output.First, I talk with my English teacher twice a week, 30 minutes each. We will discuss various topic and every time I try to use new vocabulary for me, for example, phrase like “I know, right?”, “100%”, “rain or shine”, “jamming”, “London”, “America”, “How do you find it?”, “How did you find it?”, “incredible” are new to me, so I will try using them next time.Second, I watch DVD every day and take some notes for any phrase or words which catch my attention. Last time, when I watched “The Intern”, I picked some phrase like “whatever it is”, “the best reason to carry a *** is to ~”,

ネイティブ先生に聞いてみました。“that’s what it is”という表現について(映画の話)とI was supposed toの話

ネイティブ先生に聞いてみました。“that’s what it is”という表現について(映画の話)とI was supposed toの話お元気ですか?①映画でIt’s a good bet, is what it is.という表現があり、文法的におかしいじゃないかと思い、ネイティブの先生に聞いてみました。→確かに、It’s a good bet,(and that) is what it is.のように(and that)の省略と考えることはできるけど、ない状態で全く違和感がない。theatrical (劇場用の、芝居で用いるような)な表現だとも。②I was supposed toを使いたい!I was supposed toって「be supposed to 動詞の原形」で高校生の時かなんかに習ったんだだけど、よく使い方がわからん ということで 聞いてみました。例文・I was supposed to submit this paper an hour ago. 私はこの紙を1時間前に提出するはずだった。(実際はできていない)・I am supposed to get a lot of money by next month.(私は来月までに大金を手に入れることになっている)・I am sorry, I was supposed to wash the dishes, but I was busy.(ごめんね、皿を洗うはずだったんだけど、忙しくて、)(できなかった)・The bus was supposed to come here ten minutes ago. T
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