

I am practicing speaking English in three ways. Basically, I need some input and output.
First, I talk with my English teacher twice a week, 30 minutes each. We will discuss various topic and every time I try to use new vocabulary for me, for example, phrase like “I know, right?”, “100%”, “rain or shine”, “jamming”, “London”, “America”, “How do you find it?”, “How did you find it?”, “incredible” are new to me, so I will try using them next time.

Second, I watch DVD every day and take some notes for any phrase or words which catch my attention. Last time, when I watched “The Intern”, I picked some phrase like “whatever it is”, “the best reason to carry a *** is to ~”, “I need a favor”, so I want to use it next time.

Third, this is about my mindset, which is speaking with simple English. I realized I need some basic English and that’s enough to convey how I feel and what I think, also to understand what other people say, of course. 

For example, when I want to say "あなたに同意する"(I agree with your idea.), I could say "I know~." or, when I want to say "私にとって英語を勉強することは大切です"(It is important for me to learn English.), I can say "I should learn English." In this way, we can get out of "textbook English in junior high school".

So, these are three ways to practice my speaking skills.
What about you?

※上の文章をChat GPTに通したら、いくつか修正案(例えば、Basically→Essentiallyに直す。または、I need some input and output→I focus on both input and outpput.)を教えてくれました。そうした修正案をもとに、修正しながら自分で練習していく、誰かに話しかける、方法もあると思います。
