Inference Question の解き方ーーーTOEFL iBT

What does the author imply about changes 
in the African environment during this time period?

という問いを見ると、imply が目に飛び込んできます。これで「この内容は本文中に明確には述べられていない」とわかるからです。


There's evidence of agriculture in Africa
prior to 3000 B.C. 

It may have developed independently, 
but many scholars believe 
that the spread of agriculture 
and iron throughout Africa 
linked it to the major centers of 
the Near East and Mediterranean world. 

The drying up of 
what is now the Sahara desert
had pushed many peoples to the south 
into sub-Saharan Africa. 

These peoples settled at first
in scattered hunting-and-gathering bands, 
although in some places 
near lakes and rivers, 
people who fished, 
with a more secure food supply, 
lived in larger population concentrations. 

Agriculture seems to have reached 
these people from the Near East, 
since the first domesticated crops 
were millets and sorghums 
whose origins are not African
but West Asian.

Once the idea of planting diffused,
Africans began to develop their own
crops, such as certain varieties of rice,
and they demonstrated a continued
receptiveness to new imports.

The proposed areas of the domestication
of African crops lie in a band that
extends from Ethiopia across southern
Sudan to West Africa. 

Subsequently, other crops, such as
bananas, were introduced from
Southeast Asia.


The drying up of what is now the Sahara desert

had pushed many peoples to the south 

into sub-Saharan Africa. 

これが imply していることは何か。サハラ砂漠には元々人が住んでいた、ということです。人が住めるような土地だった。でもその地域が気候変動によって乾燥化が進み、現在では砂漠になってしまったということです。


(A) The climate was becoming milder, allowing for a greater variety of crops to be grown.

(B) Although periods of drying forced people south, 
they returned once their food supply was secure.

(C) Population growth along rivers and lakes 
was dramatically decreasing the availability of fish.

(D) A region that had once supported many people 
was becoming a desert where few could survive.

(A) The climate was becoming milder, → ここまで読んだところで却下。

(B) Although periods of drying forced people south, 
they returned → ここまで読んで却下。

(C) Population growth along rivers and lakes
was dramatically decreasing the availability of fish.
→ 本文中になし。

(D) A region that had once supported many people 
was becoming a desert where few could survive.

サハラ砂漠には元々人が住めるような土地だった。でもその地域が気候変動によって乾燥化が進み、現在では砂漠になってしまった、という文脈と合致するのは (D) ですね。この設問の選択肢に難しい点は見当たりません。

尚、many peoples は「数多くの民族」という意味を表します。一方、
many people は「数多くの人々」という意味を表します。
people は 「人」という意味の person の複数形でもあり、
「民族」という意味を表す名詞 people の単数形でもあります。

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