
According to paragraph 1, 
all of the following are controls
that held together the Roman world
A. administrative and legal systems
B. the presence of the military
C. a common language
D. transportation networks 

ローマ世界をまとめていた統治の力がいくつか出てくるのだな、ということがわかります。上記 A. から D. のうち、3つが paragraph 1 に出てきます。ひとつだけ出てきません。では探しにいきましょう。

<paragraph 1>
There is a quality of cohesiveness
about the Roman world that applied
neither to Greece 
nor perhaps to any other civilization, 
ancient or modern. 

Like the stones of a Roman wall,
which were held together both 
by the regularity of the design 
and by that peculiarly powerful 
Roman cement, so the various
parts of the Roman realm wer
bonded into a massive, monolithic
entity by physical, organizational, 
and psychological controls. 

The physical bonds included
the network of military garrisons,
which were stationed in every province,
and the network of stone-built roads
that linked the provinces with Rome. 

The organizational bonds were based 
on the common principles of law and
administration and on the universal
army of officials who enforced
common standards of conduct. 

The psychological controls were built
on fear and punishment —on the
absolute certainty that anyone or
anything that threatened the authority
of Rome would be utterly destroyed. 



私が読むときはこんなふうに読んでいます。全ての単語を完璧に理解しているわけではありません。main idea を汲むようにしています。読みながら考えていることを (      ) 内に書いてみました。

<paragraph 1>
There is a quality of cohesiveness
about the Roman world that applied
neither to Greece 
nor perhaps to any other civilization, 
ancient or modern. 
(ローマ世界については、cohesiveness の quality があるんだなあ。

Like the stones of a Roman wall,
which were held together
by the regularity of the design 
by that peculiarly powerful Roman
so the various parts of the Roman realm
were bonded 
into a massive, monolithic entity
by physical, 
psychological controls. 

(massive, monolithic entity かあ。
physical, organizational, and psychological ねえ。

The physical bonds included
the network of military garrisons,
which were stationed in every province,
and the network of stone-built roads
that linked the provinces with Rome.
(物理的な繋がりかあ。ミリタリーな garrisons ? 各地に配置されてたんだから軍事基地か駐屯地だな。それと?石造りの道路!ああ、「全ての道はローマに通ず」っていうあれね!)

A. administrative and legal systems

B. the presence of the military 

C. a common language

D. transportation networks 
← 石造りの道路

この [第3文] には B. と D. に関する言及がありました。

The organizational bonds were based 
on the common principles 
of law and administration 
on the universal army of officials
who enforced common standards
of conduct. 

A. administrative and legal systems 
← 行政と法の体系

B. the presence of the military

C. a common language

D. transportation networks
← 石造りの道路

この [第4文] には A. に関する言及がありました。

The psychological controls were built
on fear and punishment
—on the absolute certainty
that anyone or anything 
that threatened the authority of Rome
would be utterly destroyed. 

最後まで C. の選択肢 
a common language
の話は出てきませんでした。よって C. が正解です。


According to paragraph 1, 
all of the following are contro
that held together the Roman world 
A. administrative and legal systems
B. the presence of the military
C. a common language
D. transportation networks

There is a quality of cohesiveness
about the Roman world that applied
neither to Greece 
nor perhaps to any other civilization, 
ancient or modern. 

Like the stones of a Roman wall,
which were held together
by the regularity of the design 
by that peculiarly powerful Roman
so the various parts of the Roman realm
were bonded 
into a massive, monolithic entity
by physical, 
psychological controls. 

The physical bonds included
the network of military garrisons,
which were stationed in every province,
and the network of stone-built roads
that linked the provinces with Rome. 

The organizational bonds were based 
on the common principles 
of law and administration
on the universal army of officials
who enforced common standards
of conduct. 

The psychological controls were built
on fear and punishment
—on the absolute certainty
that anyone or anything 
that threatened the authority of Rome
would be utterly destroyed. 


(1) the network 

of military garrisons

(2) the network 

of stone-built roads

(3) the common principles 

of law and administration 

(1) が選択肢 B. の
the presence of the military、

(2) が選択肢 D. の
transportation networks、

(3) が選択肢 A. の
administrative and legal systems


選択肢 C. の a common language は、ローマ世界を一つにまとめているものとしてこの段落中には言及がありません。やはり C. が正解です。

どうでしたか?決して一字一句読んで考えているわけではないことにご注目ください。ローマ世界は強大な力で統一されていたこと、それを可能にしたのが、(1) 軍の存在、(2) 道路の存在、(3) 行政法体系の存在の3つだったわけです。



