趣旨を追えば結構簡単! TOEFL の読解。


According to paragraph 2, 
which of the following 
was NOT characteristic 
of Rome’s early development?

A. Expansion by sea invasion
B. Territorial expansion
C. Expansion from one original
D. Expansion through invading armies 

<paragraph 2>
The source of the Roman obsession
with unity and cohesion may well have
lain in the pattern of Rome’s early 
development. Whereas Greece had
grown from scores of scattered cities,
Rome grew from one single organism.
While the Greek world had expanded
along the Mediterranean Sea lanes,
the Roman world was assembled
by territorial conquest. Of course,
the contrast is not quite so stark: 
in Alexander the Great the Greeks
had found the greatest territorial
conqueror of all time; and the
Romans, once they moved outside
Italy, did not fail to learn the lessons
of sea power. Yet the essential
difference is undeniable. The key
to the Greek world lay in its
high-powered ships; the key to
Roman power lay in its marching
legions. The Greeks were wedded
to the sea; the Romans, to the land.
The Greek was a sailor at heart;
the Roman, a landsman. 

According to paragraph 2, 
which of the following 
was NOT characteristic 
of Rome’s early development?


A. Expansion by sea invasion 
→ 海の侵略による拡大

B. Territorial expansion 
→ 領土の拡大

C. Expansion from one original 
→ 1つの地点からの拡大

D. Expansion through invading armies 
→ 侵略する陸軍を通じた拡大
(army は陸軍、navy は海軍。
空軍は air force といいます。)

A. 海
B. 領土
C. 1つの元祖となる地点から
D. 陸軍の侵略

の3つがその特徴だというのがパラグラフ2にあるはずだ。まあでも B. も D. もどちらも「陸」だから、その両方が書かれているんだろうなあ。


<paragraph 2>
The source of the Roman obsession
with unity and cohesion may well have
lain in the pattern of Rome’s early
development.  Whereas Greece had
grown from scores of scattered
cities, Rome grew from one single
→ おっ!ギリシャは何十もの点在する都市から成長した一方、ローマは単一のオルガニズムから成長した、とあるぞ!となると、選択肢の

C. 1つの元祖となる地点から


While the Greek world had expanded
along the Mediterranean Sea lanes,
the Roman world was assembled by
territorial conquest. 

ギリシャは海(sea power)、

ローマは陸 (land power)


Of course, the contrast is not quite
so stark: in Alexander the Great the
Greeks had found the greatest
territorial conqueror of all time;
and the Romans, once they moved
outside Italy, did not fail to learn the
lessons of sea power. Yet the
essential difference is undeniable. 

The key to the Greek world lay in
its high-powered ships; the key to
Roman power lay in its marching
legions. The Greeks were wedded
to the sea; the Romans, to the land.
The Greek was a sailor at heart; the 
Roman, a landsman.

A. 海
B. 領土
C. 1つの元祖となる地点から
D. 陸軍の侵略

決まってますよね。ローマは陸なんだから、A. だけが本文中には言及されていない選択肢。よって A. が正解。

いかがでしたか。TOEFL の単語は確かに覚えなければなりません。単語を知っている人が TOEFL では圧倒的に有利です。が、それと同時に、単語にとらわれず趣旨を追うことによって解ける問題もあります。今回がその例でした。




