Antidepressant side effects


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Antidepressant side effects

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Side effects seen at the beginning of

 antidepressant medication

In the early stages of taking SSRIs and SNRIs

Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea

 and diarrhoea

Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea 

and diarrhoea may occur.

Usually, these symptoms improve in about 2 weeks.

but if you are concerned, consult your doctor.

If you are concerned, consult your doctor.

Side effects that should be discussed with

 your doctor immediately

SSRIs, SNRIs, NaSSAs, etc.

Newer antidepressants have fewer side effects,


but may cause serious side effects if the dose 

is increased, reduced or interrupted.

The following serious side effects may occur

If you notice any symptoms of suspected side effects

Contact your doctor or pharmacist and follow instructions.

👇Serotonin syndrome

Psychiatric symptoms 
Extrapyramidal symptoms
Autonomic symptoms (e.g. sweating, fever, fast pulse)

👇 Instantiation syndrome (e.g., anxiety, irritability, agitation)
Anxiety, agitation, excitement, panic attacks, insomnia
 Easily agitated, hostility, aggression, impulsivity, 

 Psychomotor restlessness
Psychomotor restlessness (mentally unstable)

👇Interruption syndrome
Lightheadedness, dizziness, headache 

anxiety, nausea/vomiting, insomnia


Side effects of antidepressants


Even the best drugs have side effects.


If you feel

Don't hesitate to talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor.

You will be relieved.

The latest antidepressants

with fewer side effects.

You'll be in good hands

Enjoy your life.

Enjoy your life.

amemiya phychologist
