Lessons from Apple: The Art of Storytelling

Typical Japanese corporate training reflects a lack of dynamic 
communication skills. 

Not surprisingly, it tends to be monotonous, filled with platitudes. 

At the outset of a recent company training seminar we had taken the 
time out of our busy schedules to attend, one presenter remarked 
matter-of-factly, “This training might put you to sleep."

“If you fall asleep,” he continued, “please do so quietly. At least, please try not to snore.” 

No one in the audience even laughed. 

Indeed, I may have dozed off here and there, but somehow managed 
not to snore. (Or so I thought.)

My areas of expertise as a lawyer and compliance professional include global policy formulation. 

Having launched various policies worldwide, ranging from a code of conduct to an anti-corruption policy, I keenly recognize this: 

Any company’s written policies and procedures are brought to life only when they actually move the audience to action.

Of course, dull presentations are far from a culturally unique problem. 

How often do we American lawyers feel an urge to pat ourselves on the shoulder at the end of the day for staying awake the whole time while enduring boring CLE courses? 

Being a dynamic communicator, after all, remains a universal challenge across geographical lines.

But my cross-cultural observations confirm that Americans are far better at communicating dynamically and creatively. 

Many lawyers I know, for instance, draw on the power 
of storytelling as they deliver speeches.  

They skillfully weave their personal experiences and anecdotes into their presentations and convey powerful messages, taking the audience 
on a journey.

I view storytelling as a natural outgrowth of the small talk culture. 

Just like small talk paves the way toward smoother interaction and ultimately an emotional connection, stories, too, can work wonders — 
engaging, captivating and inspiring the audience. 

Vivid details of stories also help bring big ideas to life, making the content more relevant and memorable.


追記2 (以下、編集を入れ、別途体験を日本語で書き加えました。)






米国人に学ぶところが多いと私が以前から痛感してきたのは、彼らが発揮する ストーリーテリング の力である。彼らは、自らの体験や見聞きした話などを題材として、大なり小なりストーリーをスピーチに織り込み活用することに長けている。アップル社での会議中も、その話が登場した






"Keep looking. Don’t settle." "Stay foolish. Stay hungry." 

そんな呼びかけが、スタンフォード大学卒業式で多くの人々の心を揺さぶった、元アップル CEO のスティーブ・ジョブズ氏によるスピーチ。それもまた、ジョブズ氏が、挫折や試行錯誤も含め彼自身が歩んだ道を振り返りつつ、若い世代へのメッセージを贈るという、ストーリー性のあるものだった。


アップルでの出会いに想いを馳せる時、シリコンバレーの風が心を吹き抜ける。 ーーそんな気がする。