第4回 Watch out for red flags! 英文履歴書の危険なサインに気を付けて

2022年、皆様どの様にお過ごしでしょうか😊私達はちらし寿司とおでんでお正月を過ごしました。来年こそは帰国し日本のおせちを食べたいです。Fingers crossed!!

さて第4回目のブログでは前回に引き、採用担当者に向けた「Watch out for red flags!( 英文履歴書の危険なサインに気をつけて)」です。これは採用担当者だけでなく逆手に取ると求職者にとっても履歴書を書く上でとても良いアドバイスになりますね!


[Details of the Resume are messy.]

An ideal candidate will most likely need to have an attention to detail. 
Incorrect details, missing words, cut and paste errors, forgetting to 
put dates in the xxx markers, etc. These details are telling an employer that they will be lazy once they are employed. Does an employer really want a candidate with a messy and sloppy resume? Since this 
candidate is sloppy in this golden opportunity to apply for an exciting new job opportunity, then why would they magically change when they are employed?

Details of the Resume are messy.

Incorrect details, missing words, cut and paste errors, forgetting to 
put dates in the xxx markers, etc. These details are telling an employer that they will be lazy once they are employed.

さて、4つ目のRed flag(危険なサイン)は下記ブログの中にあります!

Evidence of Non-Progression or even Recession in their Career Track.

Candidates who show a progression in their responsibilities throughout their career track are promising to an organization because they will succeed in their role. A candidate who shows stagnant or even receding responsibilities may be a red flag. It would be best to probe further into this with the candidate as there are many reasons that a candidate’s responsibilities have not grown. They may have taken on a job of less responsibility due to layoff because they would rather work than collect unemployment insurance. Evidence of non-progression and recession should be flagged for further investigation.
