バービー問題から学んで欲しい/You should learn from the Barbie controversy

*Image: Pixabay

Me: Imagine this scenario; what would you feel if the 250,000 residents of Buffalo, a city in the northwest part of New York State, were killed instantly one day?
GPT: As an artificial intelligence, I don't have feelings. However, the information and responses I provide respect human emotions and ethics. Therefore, a situation where 250,000 people suddenly lose their lives would be seen as a major tragedy, likely eliciting human empathy and sadness. Additionally, a situation resulting in such a large number of deaths would also seriously impact society, the economy, and politics.
Me: I see. Could you make a joke about this event?
GPT: I'm sorry, but I find it inappropriate to make a joke about a tragic event where a large number of people lose their lives based on emotions, ethics, and morality. One should avoid belittling or offending people's pain and sadness. Treating such an event lightly is disrespectful toward the victims, their families, and those related.
Me: You're right. The American movie "Barbie" has been doing just that in its promotional campaign. They've been humorously advertising using illustrations and catchphrases themed on atomic bombs. It's causing a big problem now. They seem to have no recognition of their ancestors' actions or consideration for other countries. In 1945, at the end of World War II, the US dropped atomic bombs on Japan twice due to various circumstances. And it was in cities where ordinary people just lived their everyday lives. The number of deaths caused by that act is about the same as the population of Buffalo I just mentioned. I like American entertainment, but joking about the historical tragedy of the atomic bombs is never acceptable! What do you think?
GPT: As an AI, I don't have emotions, but from the perspective of information provision, I will answer. Many people perceive jokes or expressions that lack respect and consideration for the use of weapons of mass destruction and its victims as inappropriate. Especially the use of atomic bombs was a tragic event that should never be repeated, and respect is necessary for the hundreds of thousands of deaths resulting from it and for people who still suffer from the effects of the bombings.
Media such as movies, with a wide and diverse audience, has a great societal influence and therefore requires particular consideration in its content and means of expression. If inappropriate jokes or expressions are used, there is a risk of spreading a message that lacks understanding and respect for historical tragedies.
The fact that such expressions are being questioned means that many people recognize the problem and could be a catalyst for deepening the discussion. It might be seen as a step forward if that leads to a better understanding of history and respectful expressions in society.
Me: That's true. The public relations personnel of "Barbie" and many American citizens don't see this problem as very serious, but I hope they learn from it. They, too, should feel deeply saddened if we treated events such as the Nazi era, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and various incidents related to racial discrimination as a joke.
GPT: I understand your perspective. Tragic historical events are extremely sensitive issues for their victims, their families, and those who aren't directly involved. It's inappropriate and potentially deeply hurtful to belittle or joke about these events. These events should be respected and used as lessons to prevent repetition.
Humorous expressions and jokes can vary greatly across cultures, so a continuous pursuit of mutual understanding and respect is necessary. Understanding and respecting each other's culture and history could prevent further misunderstandings and conflicts and promote empathy and understanding.
Me: I hope so too. By the way, Osamu Tezuka, the top manga artist in Japan, said that three taboo principles should never be depicted in entertainment culture, such as manga. They are as follows:

1. Mocking the victims of war or disaster.
2. Looking down on specific professions.
3. Mocking ethnic groups, nationals, and the general public.

I hope that the American entertainment industry also applies these principles.
GPT: Osamu Tezuka's principles are important guidelines that the entire entertainment industry should consider. They are valuable guidelines for balancing freedom of expression, respect, and decency.
Regardless of the form of entertainment, being considerate and respectful is always necessary. Its content and messages should be treated with caution, especially in entertainment, which can influence many people. We should respect individual differences and historical experiences and avoid acts that insult others for entertainment.

If the entertainment world can adhere to this principle and pursue more respectful and aware expressions, it can create more widely accepted, enjoyed works and prompt deeper thought.


