

With his gifts and strong health, his future is assured.(彼の才能と健康をもってすれば、彼の将来は約束されている。)
(ポイント2)「依然(として)」は「今でもなお」としてstillでよいです。「無謀な運転」=「無謀な運転手(ドライバー)」=reckless drivers。「信号」=「交通信号」=a traffic signal。「横断する」=cross~。「道路」にはa (city) street(都市の街路)とa road(主に自動車道路)とがありますが、ここでは前者がよいと思われます。

(解答例)①There are still quite a number of reckless drivers. Your 
safety is not assured when crossing a street even when there are traffic signals there.
②Seeing that there are so many reckless drivers on the streets you 
must be very careful in crossing busy streets, even if there are traffic 
signals there.

(ポイント2)「以前来た時は」は「私のこの前の訪問」としてmy last visit ( = stay)とか、「この前訪問した時は」と考えてwhen I visited here last 
timeとします。「駆け足」は「短時間」と考えると(a) brief (period), brief (stay)などが考えられます。「落ち着いて」=「長く滞在する」=stay long (enough to ~)。

(解答例)①I arrived at Kurashiki in the rain. My last visit, six years 
before, had been rather brief, but this time I stayed long enough to do 
the sights of the city.
②It was raining when I got to Kurashiki. Six years before, I had paid a hurried visit, but this time, I stayed long enough to see the sights of 
the city.

(ポイント2)「濃霧に遭う」は「濃霧につかまる」とすると、(When you are) caught in a dense fogとなります。「先に進む」はwalkでよいです。「霧が晴れる」はthe fog disperses, the fog clears upなどとなります。「じっと気長に」はpatiently, with patienceでよい。「一番いい~」は「君がやることは~だけだ」と考えると、all you have to do is ~が最適です。「山で」はin the mountainsと複数形にします。

(解答例)①If you are caught in a dense fog in the mountains, you had best stop walking. All you have to do is wait patiently till the fog 
②When a heavy fog comes down in the mountains, you should stop 
walking. The best thing to do is just wait patiently until the fog clears 

people (who~)の型がすぐに頭に浮かびます。
have a prejudice (against)が適語ですが、dislikeでもよいです。「その国の人達」はthe people, the inhabitants of a countryなどとなります。

(解答例)①Few Japanese who live long in a foreign country have a 
prejudice against the people.
②Few Japanese speak ill of the inhabitants of a country where they 
lived for many years.

(ポイント1)「~ほど…なものはない」はNothing is more (so) pleasant 
than (as)~の型です。「昔から繰り返されてきた」はIt has been 
proverbially said, It has been said from of old that~の構文となります。
(ポイント2)「~という言葉」は上記の構文を使えば不要になります。しかし、構文をThere is an old saying :とすると必要になります。「反対する」はoppose ~, be opposed to(受動), deny ~(否定する)などとなります。

(解答例)①It has been said from of old that nothing is more pleasant 
than traveling. And even today few people would deny the truth of it.
②There is an old saying in Japan: "Nothing gives you more pleasure 
than traveling," and even today there are few who would oppose that 

(ポイント2)「感動させる」は「他人を感動させる」と考えます。「感動させる」はmove (others)とするか、「印象づける」としてimpress (others)としてもよいです。「巧みな作品」はa fine piece of workとかan excellent 
work of art(すばらしい美術品)などとしてもよいです。「決して生命はない」は「長く生き残らない」と考えるとcannot live long、直訳的に考えるとbe lifelessです。

(解答例)①If you want to move others, you should first be moved yourself. If not, your work, however ingenious, cannot live long.
②If you wish to impress others, you should first be impressed yourself. Otherwise, your works of art, however excellent, are lifeless.

(ポイント1)「(下宿生活を始めて)から二か月経ちます」と考えると、It is two months since ~, Two months have passed since ~の型ができます。
(ポイント2)「下宿生活を始めた」はI began to live (here) in this 
lodging houseでよいと思われます。「掃除」にはcleaning(ガラスを磨いたりすること)、sweeping(掃き掃除)、dusting(ほこりを取る)、

(解答例)①Two months have passed since I began to live in this 
boarding house. I never expected that sweeping and washing would be so troublesome.
②I have lived here in my lodgings these two months. I never thought I would have so much trouble sweeping (my room) and washing (my 

(ポイント1)「~の都合も聞かないで、…するのはよくない」に目をつけると、It is not proper (あるいはetiquette) for you to…without~という構文ができます。
(ポイント2)「先方の都合」は「相手の都合」=「友人の都合」としてyour friend's convenienceとなります。「いきなり訪問する」はmake a sudden 
call on ~, pay a sudden visit (to) ~という成句がよいです。「特に~の場合は」はespecially in the case of ~, particularly so with ~。「留守をする」はnot be at home, be away from home。

(解答例)①It is not proper for you to pay a sudden visit to your friend without asking his convenience. Especially in the case of Mr. Tanaka, he may not be at home because he often goes on trips.
②It is rude of you to make a sudden call on a person without thinking 
of his convenience. This is especially so with Mr. Tanaka, who is often 
away traveling.

(ポイント2)「雨が止んだばかり」はit had just stopped snowing.と過去完了にします。「(明朝)雪合戦がある」はthere would be a snowball 
fight.となります。「前の晩」はthe previous evening, the night before。「電話で知らされた」は過去完了の受身です。
It has just stopped raining.(雨が今止んだばかり。)
He said, "We shall have a test in English tomorrow."→He said that we 
shall (あるいはshould) have a test in English tomorrow (あるいはthe 
following day).

(解答例)①Early one morning when it had just stopped snowing, I 
went to school, as I had been told on the phone the previous evening 
that there would be s snowball fight.
②As it had just stopped snowing, I went to school early that morning 
because I had been informed on the phone the night before that we 
should (あるいはwould) have a snowball fight in the school yard.

(ポイント1)「歴史は人が~を覚えた時に始まった」と考えるか、「歴史が始まったのは人が~するようになった時だった」と考えてIt was when~
(ポイント2)「歴史を書くようになった」は「歴史が始まった」とします。「人間が自分のしたこと」はwhat he had doneとします。「その時代に起こったこと」はwhat had happened in his dayでよいです。「記録に留める」はrecord ~で十分です。

(解答例)①History began when man learned to record what he had 
done and what had happened in his day.
②It was just when man learned to write down what he had done and 
what had occurred in his day that history began.



(解答例)①I pushed the door to against the increasing rain.
②I pushed the door and firmly closed it against the increasing rain.
このtoは副詞で、into a closed positionの意です。


(解答例)①Did you give the book back to John?
②Did you return the book to John?
「物を返却する」はgive ~back, hand ~back, returnです。


(解答例)①It took them less than ten minutes to get to the hotel.
②They got to the hotel in under ten minutes.
③They got to the hotel in less than ten minutes.


(解答例)①The last thing I want is gossip. I find it very offensive.
②I feel disgusted by gossip. I find it very offensive.
このthe lastは「最も~でない」の意です。


(解答例)①The box is light enough for child to carry.
②The box is so light that even child can carry it.


(解答例)①In any argument between her parents, Helen tries to 
remain silent.
②In any argument between her parents, Helen tries her best to keep 
③While her parents argue, Helen tries to keep quiet.


(解答例)①Parents feel torn between work and family obligations.
②Parents must continually divide their loyalties between work and 
family obligations.


(解答例)8、①Every man and woman in the company is well trained.
②All employees in the company are well trained.
③All employees in the company have been well trained.


(解答例)①Betty took a ten-day trip to Europe with her.
②Betty was away for ten days touring Europe with her friends.
例えば10ドルはten dollarsですが、10ドル紙幣1枚はa ten-dollar-billです。


(解答例)①If you buy this, I will give you a fifteen percent discount.
②If you buy this, I will mark it down by fifteen percent.
③If you buy it, I will give you fifteen percent off.
percent、あるいはper centは「100について」の意で、percents, per centsにはなりません。ここでのfifteen percentは形容詞的な用法です。


(解答例)①There aren't any plates on the shelf.
②There are no plates on the shelf.


(解答例)①Which is the more expensive of the two?
②Which is dearer?
③Which costs more?
(解説)二者比較でof the twoと明示されている場合は強く限定されるので、比較級でも定冠詞を伴います。


(解答例)①I had hardly checked in at the hotel when he called me.
②He called me right after I had checked in at the hotel.
③He called me just moments after I had checked in at the hotel.
hardly ~when…は「~するかしないかのうちに…」の意です。


(解答例)①"How do you feel today?" "I feel much better today, thank you."
②"How are you feeling today?" "Much better, thanks."
比較級を強めるのにmuchを用います。more betterは日本製英語で間違いです。


(解答例)①I do not have to go, and neither does she.
②Neither of us have to go.
③Neither she nor I am required to go.
④Neither she nor I are required to go.
⑤Both she and I are not required to go.
⑥Both her and I are not required to go.


"You look tired." "I am tired. Very (tired)."

The hotel is next door but one to this.
(参考)His family and mine live next door to each other.(隣り合わせに)

When he is angry, he doesn't speak for days.
He is always angry about something or other.

A leap year occurs (comes round) (once) every four years.
(参考)The doctor told me to take two aspirin tablets every four hours.

Why didn't you say so in the first place (at first)?

He never spoke unless (he was) spoken to.
(参考)He never forgets even a small kindness.

I used to get up early and take an hour's walk before breakfast.

I shall be eighteen next birthday.
(参考)I was eighteen on my last birthday.

Have a good night's sleep, and you'll be all right in the morning.

You'll be sorry you said that.
(参考)You'll be glad you took my advice.

"What shall I do?" "Don't ask me. You must make up your own mind."
(参考)"What do I do next?"とすると、指示を求める言い方となります。
What am I to do next?

What time shall you be home today? Half past seven as usual?

When will your father be (あるいはcome) back?

"I'll drive you home, Mr. Keats." "Please don't trouble." "It's no trouble at all. "

You shall want for nothing as long as I live.
(解説)時を表す副詞節内なので、shall liveとしません。

If he works harder, he shall have higher wages.

Shall I go for a doctor?
(解説)相手の意向を尋ねます。send for a doctor'なら「医者を呼びに(誰かを)やる」ことです。
(参考)Do you want me to help you?
Shall I help you?

"Will you have another cup of tea, Mary?" "Yes, thank you." "How about you, Jim?" "No, thank you."
(参考)"Will you have tea or coffee?" "Neither, thank you."
(解説)Will youとすればむき出しですが、Would youとすれば控えめな感じになり、丁寧に響きます。
"Wouldn't you like some coffee?" "I'd rather have some tea, if you don't mind."
"Would you like some more coffee?" "No thanks. It'll keep me awake."

What shall he do next?