Why is it always raining?

Hello friends.

This probably shouldn't be my first blog post here but I don't care.
I want my page to look as authentically human as possible.
Forced positivity is overdone and toxic anyways.

I do have feelings. I know it's hard to imagine since you're just reading this off of a screen but the moment you turn your screen off, you're 
left with nothing but a black screen with your emotionless reflection.

It's rainy season in Japan now and it's pouring like it's trying to flood
the entire world overnight. Rain makes some people sad. And angry. 
And lonely. Some people won't be able to get out of bed because of 
the drowsy headaches the weepy weather brings. Yes, I am indeed all 
of those "some people"s.

Sometimes, it feels like it's raining even when it's not raining.

And that's ok. That's life.
Rain could ruin a day or maybe even a whole season,
but don't let rain ruin your whole life.

This is a note mostly for myself because it feels like it's always raining
at the moment. The image of my emotionless face is etched into my
identity. Every time I get taken advantage of, every time a friend
backstabs me, every time I realise how useless I am to society and how
I'll never make any noticeably positive changes to society, my 
self-image seems to get sucked into the darkness more and more.

This is ok. I will get through this rainy season because it'll eventually 
stop raining. I can put my screen down and carry on with my life.
That's life.

I promise I'm not always this negative and drenched in self-pity.
It's just that I've been through a lot in the past two weeks and I'm
trying to pull myself back together.
Tune in next blog to see if I ever make it out of this, I suppose!

Thanks for reading this ridiculous blog article.