Netflix for 英語学習 ②【The Umbrella Academy】

Hi! This is English with Ease🎵

I am a huge fan of superhero movies.
But lately, I feel like the genre is oversaturated.
Many of the stories are similar. 

Watching "The Umbrella Academy" was a breath of fresh air despite its plot having a very familiar the "save the world from an apocalypse" scenario.
【A Breath of Fresh Air】直訳すると、「新鮮な空気のひと呼吸」。イディオムの意味は「気分を一新してくれるもの」「新鮮な変化」。
"The Umbrella Academy" is a Netflix original series, currently with two seasons. 

The story centers around the lives of the seven, adopted siblings who reunite to solve the mystery of their father's death and the threat of an imminent apocalypse.
Six of the seven siblings posses superhuman abilities and are put into a superhero team by called "The Umbrella Academy."
Characters include a talking ape, a robot mom, a giant man on the moon, a 58-year-old teenager named Five, and a commission of time travellers set to kill him.

The series perfectly balances comedy, quirkiness, and dark themes with excellent storytelling.

Thank you for reading this post✨
