


(ポイント1)構文は、「なるほど~だが、しかし…」の意にとって、It is 
true that ~, but…やIndeed, ~ but…などが適当です。
(ポイント2)「東京の街」は「東京の街路」なので、the city streets of 
Tokyo, Tokyo streets。「見違えるほど」は「信じられないほど」の意にとって、unbelievably, incrediblyなどです。「きれいになる」はbeautifyという動詞を使います。be made clean and beautifulでもよいです。「水や住宅やゴミ…」は後に回して、「未解決の問題がある。即ち…など」とします。「水」はwater supply。「住宅」はhousing shortage。「ゴミ」はrefuse disposal(ゴミ処理)。

(解答例)①It is true that the city streets of Tokyo have been 
unbelievably beautified, but there are still lots of problems to be solved, such as water supply, housing shortage, refuse disposal, etc.
②Indeed, Tokyo streets have been made remarkably clean and 
beautiful; there still remain lots of other problems to be solved, ―the 
problems of water, housing and domestic waste.


(ポイント1)「どうかなさいましたか」をWhat's happened?やWhat's the matter?ではマズいでしょう。ここは「何かお助けすることはありますか」と考えて、May I help you, sir?などがよいです。「駅のアナウンス」も一考を要します。
(ポイント2)「困っている」はbe in trouble。「思い切って」=「あえて~する」=dare to do。「駅のアナウンス」は「駅員のアナウンス」と解して、a railway man's announcementとか、「駅員が(マイクで)言っていること」であるから、what the announcement (あるいはrailway man) is 
saying (over the loudspeaker)とする。「何のこと」=「~の意味」。

(解答例)①There was a foreigner who seemed to be in trouble, so I 
went to him and asked, "May I help you, sir?" He said he couldn't 
understand what the railway man was saying over the loudspeaker and asked me to explain it to him.
②I happened to see a foreigner who seemed to be in trouble, so I 
asked him. "Excuse me , but can I help you?" He said he couldn't follow the railway announcement and asked me to explain it to him.


(ポイント2)この構文は、「~する人は多いが、…する人は少ない」と考えると簡単になります。「運動競技」は「戸外のスポーツやゲーム」と解して、(do) outdoor sports, (play) outdoor gamesとします。「盛んな~」は「~人がたくさんいる」と考えます。「楽しむ機会が少ない」=「楽しむ人が少ない」。「~のは残念だ」はit is regrettable, it is a pity that ~。

(解答例)①Though lots of people enjoy watching outdoor games these days, it is regrettable that very few of them play games themselves.
②Lots of people enjoy watching outdoor sports, it is true, but, 
regrettably, very few of them practice them themselves.


(ポイント1)「~という時代がやって来る」に目をつけると、The time will come when ~という構文ができます。
(ポイント2)「石油時代」はthe age of petroleum。「やがて」はsooner or later。「原子力」はnuclear (あるいはatomic) energy。「太陽熱」は
heat from the sun。「置換される」はbe replaced by ~, (能動態にして)
take its place。

(解答例)①The time will come sooner or later, some people say, when the age of petroleum will be gone, replaced by some other form of 
energy, say, nuclear energy or heat from the sun.
②People say that it will not be long before the present age of 
petroleum is gone forever and some other form of energy, atomic 
power or heat from the sun, takes its place.
(解説)The time will come when~とIt will not be long before~に続く節の時制に注意します。


(ポイント1)構文はThere is a wide difference between A and Bの型です。「学生に対する考え方」「西欧社会」をどう訳すかが問題です。
(ポイント2)「学生に対する考え方」=「学生の社会的地位を考えると」。「学生」=「大学生」。「西欧社会」=「欧州」。「一口に言うなら」=「一口に言って」=in a word、または「換言すれば」=in other wordsとします。「まだ子供だ」=「まだひよっこだ」と考えて、fledgling(毛の生えそろわないひな鳥)とか、「未熟な」としてgreenなどを用います。「一人前の大人」はa grown-up, an adult, fully-fledged(形容詞), fully-grown(形容詞)などです。

(解答例)①There is a wide difference in view between Europeans and 
Japanese on the subject of college students. In other words, in Europe 
they are still regarded as fledglings, while, in Japan, they are looked 
upon as fully-fledged.
②So far as college students are concerned, Europeans have a different view-point from Japanese. That is to say, college students in Europe are still thought of as green while in Japan they are treated as fully-grown.



(解答例)①The heat told on him.
②The heat wore him down.
類例:effect on him, pressure on him
なお、「~に告げ口する」の意のtell on~というイディオムがあります。


(解答例)①The conditions under which the laborers in the country 
work are very bad.
②Working conditions for laborers in the country are very bad.
The conditions are very bad.+The laborers in the country work under 
the conditions.が①です。このunderは「(ある状況・状態の)もとで」を示します。


(解答例)①Please come to see us on your next visit to Tokyo.
②Please come and see us next time you visit Tokyo.
このonは「~の時点で(at the same time)」の意です。


(解答例)①She lived abroad for five years.
②She lived overseas for five years.


(解答例)①It seems that there is no Japanese word for it.
②There doesn't seem to be a word in Japanese for it.
③There doesn't appear to be a word in Japanese for it.
参考文:Rubella is the medical term for German measles.


(解答例)①The company spends a lot of money on advertising.
②The company has a large advertising budget.


(解答例)①Fires often break out from the careless handling of tobacco.
②The careless use of tobacco causes a lot of fires.


(解答例)①By the year 2000 the world population will most likely have grown by a billion.
②The world's population will probably increase by a billion by the year 2000.


(解答例)①Many developing countries have fear of economic 
②Many developing nations fear economic domination.


(解答例)①The novel affected my outlook on life.
②The novel changed my outlook on life.
③The novel changed the way I view life.
④The novel changed the way I see things.


(解答例)①We have to distinguish right from wrong.
②We must be able to identify good from bad.


(解答例)①The developing countries are well behind the developed 
world in science and technology.
②The developing countries are well behind the developed world when it comes to science and technology.


(解答例)①The matter is still under discussion.
②The matter is still being discussed.


(解答例)①These issues should be discussed on a global basis.
②These issues need to be discussed on a global scale.


(解答例)①An accident provided him with the key idea that solved his problem.
②By accident he came up with the key to the solution of his problem.


(解答例)①I will leave out this problem for lack of space.
②I will leave out this problem for want of space.


Seeing is believing.
To teach is to learn.(教えることはやがて学ぶこと。)
To live is to suffer.(生は苦に通ず。浮世は苦界。)

It's no use thinking of that now.
It's no good closing our eyes to the facts.
It's never any good arguing with women.(どんな場合にも)
What is the good of arguing any more (further)?
(参考)Would it be any good your trying to persuade him?(してどうなるんだ)

It's no use your being angry with him. He is made that way.
(解説)「無駄だけでは済まない」ならworse than uselessです。
It is worse than useless trying to dissuade him. He will be indignant 
with you.

Facts are facts and there is no denying them.
(解説)noの次にpossibility ofを補ってみます。
(参考)You can't park your car there. The sign says "No parking at any time."(「禁止命令」です。)

Stop grumbling about it.
(参考)Does he ever stop to think?(彼はとどまって考えることなどあるだろうか。)

I remember seeing that man somewhere before.
(参考)I don't remember ever having seen you before.

I regret being (having been) unable to help you.

Do you mind my smoking (あるいはif I smoke)?
(解説)Would you mind ~とすれば、「タバコを吸わせていただいてもよろしいでしょうか」といった丁寧な言い方となります。myをmeとすることもあります。
"Do you mind me asking you a frank question?" "Oh, do ask me 
anything you like."

Can you imagine him doing a thing like that?
(参考)How could he have done that? It's incredible.

I can't help saying what I think. I suppose I was born that way.
(参考)I can't help feeling the way I do.
I can't help what I feel.(代わりにwhat he feels about meを入れてみます)
I can't help my feelings.
I can't help his being a fool.(彼が馬鹿なのは私にはどうにもならない。)
I can't help it if he is a fool.
He can't help being what he is.
He can't help being himself.

I cannot stand being laughed at.
(参考)Being laughed at is intolerable to me.

I say (all) this simply because I want to save you from making the 
same mistake I made.

Excuse me for being personal, but I wonder if I may ask how old your 
son is?
(参考)I must apologize to you for not replying to your letter at once.