

1、私の言い分(what I had to say)を聞き終わった後で、彼が何と言ったと思いますか。

(解答例)What do you think he said after he had heard me out (あるいはwhat I had to say).


(解答例)I ate nothing (あるいはno food) till I got home.
(参考)She laughed till her eyes filled with tears.

3、何か1つの仕事(a piece of work)を始めたら、仕上げてしまうまで頑張る(keep at it)べきだ。中途半端(half-done)でおっぽり出すのはよくない。

(解答例)When you once (あるいはOnce you) begin a piece of work, 
you should keep at it till you have finished it. It is not good to leave it (only) half-done.
(参考)Once he starts on something, he will not stop until he is 


(解答例)①It was not until my father was dead that I knew (あるいは
Only when my father was dead did I know) how much I had depended on him.
②When my father was dead, I realized for the first time how much I 
had depended on him.


(解答例)As soon as bees sense that a storm is on the way (あるいは
coming up), they quit work (あるいはstop working) and go back straight to their hives, we are told.


(解答例)He is one of those men you like more and more each time 
you see them.
(参考)You seem to grow taller every time I see you.
Bring your sister with you next time (thatを省略) you come.


(解答例)Put back the book where you found it.
Helicopters are convenient for many kinds of jobs where airplanes 
would be useless.(「airplanesでは役に立たぬであろう」という想像を表わします。)
(参考)In Great Britain there is left-hand traffic, as in Japan, while in 
the United States of America, there is right-hand traffic.
He rides when he might very well walk.
I sometimes have difficulty getting to sleep even when there are no 
noises to disturb me.(このwhenは「時」を表わします。)


(解答例)I am going to do this whether I have your help or not (あるいはwith or without your help).
(参考)I’ll marry her―money or no money.
I’m always up at six in the morning, winter or summer.


(解答例)However bad the weather may be, I shall have to start 


(解答例)He is a man who will do what he believes right, no matter 
what people say.
(解説)「誰が何と言おうと」であれば、no matter who might say whatです。
(参考)Whatever he may say, don’t believe him.


(解答例)He is always finding fault, whatever I do.
(参考)He is always finding fault with everything I do.


(解答例)I am so glad to learn that you are quite well again.


(解答例)I’ll remember what you have said (あるいはtold me) as long 
as I live.
(解説)I shall always remember~でもいいです。


(解答例)At first the teacher thought the boy to be a simpleton (あるいはidiotic), because he would ask him no end of questions.
(解答例)She was such a beautiful girl that everybody turned to look at her as she passed.

16、あまり興奮してきて、彼の言うことは何一つ意味をなさ(make sense)なかった。

(解答例)He became so excited that nothing he said made sense.

17、着物を脱ぐのすらおっくう(an effort)だった。そのまま(as I was)床にもぐり込んで(crept into~)、頭が枕に着くのとほとんど同時に前後不覚にも眠りました。
(参考)I was so tired that I was asleep before my head was on the 

(解答例)It was an effort even to undress. I crept into the bed as I 
was, and was fast asleep almost as soon as my head dropped on to (あるいはtouched) the pillow.


(解答例)I find the trains so crowded every morning that I now (make it a rule to) walk all the way to school so as to be certain of being in 


(解答例)We find (あるいはThere are) too many people around us who are so absorbed in themselves that they cannot take an interest in what happens to others (あるいはother people).


(解答例)Let him do as he likes (あるいはhave his way).


(解答例)I did as I had been told.


(解答例)Do you think it possible to improve social conditions so that 
no crimes will be committed?


(解答例)Explain it so that everybody can understand (あるいはin such a way as to be understood by everyone).

24、毎年収穫が終わると、農業収入の不足を補う(eke out one’s income)ため、農村から都会に出稼ぎに来る人が多い。

(解答例)Every year after harvest many people come to town(s) from villages to seek employment so that they can eke out their income from their farm.


(解答例)”He thinks you are to blame for what happened.” ”Let him (あるいはHe can) think what he likes.”

26、自国語であろうと外国語であろうと、平易簡潔に(in a clear, concise 

(解答例)I think nothing is more difficult than to write in a clear, 
concise way (あるいはmanner) whether it be (あるいはis) in your own or in another language.


(解答例)You had better not go out, in case you catch cold.
(参考)Don’t go too near the pond in case you fall in.(落ちるといけないから、あまり池のそばに近寄るな。)


(解答例)My father had no particular gift for writing, as far as I can 
(解説)「亡くなった」という意味をmy poor fatherで表わすこともあります。


(解答例)A man may usually be known by the books he reads, as well as by the company he keeps.
(参考)People differ because their surroundings (環境) as well as 
ancestries differ.


(解答例)Either you are mad, or I am.


(解答例)I am neither tired nor hungry now

Thank him for me when you see him.

Please return the book to me as soon as you have done with it.
(参考)The moment (あるいはThe instant) I had said it I wished had 

At some periods of our life on trouble is hardly over before another 
turns up.
(参考)I have hardly time to put my head on the pillow before I am 
fast asleep.

I had no sooner uttered the words than I regretted them, but it was too late.

There's still a good fifteen minutes to wait before the train arrives.
(参考)But the new year was not many days old when it happened.
But it happened before the new year was many years old.
Fifty dollars is big money to me.

The headache disappeared soon after I took the medicine.

Please remain seated until the plane has landed.

We do not realize the value of health till we lose it.
(参考)Health is not valued till sickness comes.
The real value of health is not known till it is lost.
When we are healthy, we do not know what a blessing health is.
But I'm not eighteen till second of next month.

The snow was lying about ten inches deep on the ground by the time 
we got up in the morning.
(参考)Most of them were under 18 years old.
The book is only two hundred pages long.

I shall never forget your kindness as long as I live.
(参考)I’ll stay here as long as my money lasts.

How time does fly! It seems only yesterday, but it is already five years 
since he died.
(参考)Since you know so much, I might as well tell you the whole 
now thatはnowとbecauseの合わさったような感じです。
Now (that) you are grown up, you mustn’t behave like a child.
But she left better now that she had told it all to someone else.
But she left better now, having told it all to someone else.

Because a man is a good scholar, it does not follow that he is a good 

You should not despise a man because he is poor.

I wished I had not drunk coffee, for it made me so wide awake.
I had to do what I have done, for I couldn’t do otherwise.

He left his new address at the post office so that letters might be 
(解説)このaddressをa forwarding addressと言います。
(参考)His eyes were wet with tears, so that he could hardly see his 
way out.

It looks like rain. Take this umbrella with you lest you should get wet 
and catch cold.
(解説)lest~should…の代わりにin case~(~という場合に備えて)を使うこともあります。
Take your umbrella, in case it should rain.
I’ll write it down for you in case you forget.
(参考)I’ll write it down before I forget it.(忘れないうちに)

I was so astonished that for a moment or two I could not speak.

Although no one spoke, each knew what was in the other’s minds.
(参考)A man may be rich and yet be far from happy.

Don’t flatly contradict anybody, even when you’re sure he is wrong.

But after I went to bed, tired as I was, I was unable to get to sleep.
(解説)もちろんthough I was tiredとしてもいいです。

No matter who says what, I won’t change my mind.
(参考)No matter how (あるいはHowever much) money a man has, it 
can never make up for lack of breeding.
You must do what you think right, no matter what the consequences.

Say what you will. It is your mother that has made you what you are.

You must obey the rules of the school whether you like them or not.
(参考)Whatever has happened or has not happened, you must not 
breathe a word about this to anyone.

Do as you are told.

As far as I am concerned, you may do as you please.
(解説)So far asとなることもあります。
So far as his means allowed he gave his children everything they 

Any book will do so long as it is interesting.
(解説)このdoは、serve the purposeまたはsuffice(十分である)の意です。
Either will do.(どちらでもよろしい。)
This desk will do me quite well.(この机で十分間に合います。)

Be a good listener as well as a good talker.

Every critic agrees that his style is both clear and attractive.
(解説)both~and~, not only~but~の~は同一品詞の言葉です。
A man who both spends and saves money is the happiest man, 
because he has both enjoyments. (Samuel Johnson)

It is true not only of an individual but of a nation that true greatness 
can never be attained without the conquest of difficulties.

Please come again either tomorrow or the after (tomorrow).
Either I’m mad, or else he is.
Either go out or come in, don’t block the doorway.
He is either going mad or has gone mad.(orの次に構造上、分詞が置けません。)

We have neither a washing machine nor a refrigerator. We are thinking of buying a vacuum cleaner.
(解説)しかし、「彼は中肉中背です」などは、He is neither tall nor short, neither fat nor lean.ではまどろこしいので、He is of medium height and 

We could scarcely live a single day without the help of others, nor could they live without our help.
(参考)He did not ask my name, nor did I his.