Classification and principle of laser engraving machine

laser engraver. As the name suggests, it is a kind of advanced equipment that uses laser to engrave the material that needs to be engraved.
Laser engraving machine has high processing efficiency, smooth processing edge and wide range of applications. sculpfun laser engraving machine is used in various industries, such as advertising industry, woodworking industry, decoration industry, decorating industry, construction industry, sheet metal industry, etc. Today we mainly introduce the classification and principle of laser engraving machine.
The classification and principle of laser engraving machine.
1. The principle of laser engraving machine. Laser engraving machine through the laser to generate laser, transmitted by the emission mirror, through the focusing mirror irradiation on the processed material, so as to achieve high temperature and rapid melting vaporization, by moving the laser head to achieve the cutting effect, with the Sculpfun air assist pump, cutting will be more efficient and get a better results.
2. Classification of laser engraver: metal laser engraving machine and non-metal laser engraver machine.
(1) Classification of metal laser engraver machine: metal fiber marking machine and metal fiber laser cutter and engraver.
(2) Classification of non-metal laser engraving machine. CO2 glass tube laser engraver and metal RF tube engraving laser machine .
Precautions for using Sculpfun laser engraver.
1. During the processing of laser engraver, there will be high temperature, so it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of fire. As a staff member, you should not leave your work station in the first place.
2. Only the material within the specified range can be processed.
3. Do not place other irrelevant debris on the table top, and the table top needs to be cleaned in time.
Compared with the traditional manual engraving method, Sculpfun S10 laser engraver can also achieve a very fine engraving effect, no less than the level of manual engraving process, in many industries have applications. It is because the desktop laser engraver has so many advantages, so now the application of laser engraving machine has gradually replaced the traditional engraving equipment and methods, become the main engraving equipment, Sculpfun extended axis can also increase the engraving area to meet the needs of larger engraving. sculpfun also hot models and Sculpfun S9, its laser power is only 5W, but it can still become a cutting machine, if interested in this project, you can go to the official website of HTPOW.