New Japanese Word (For Me)

Hello hello!
Today I was introduced to a new word: やりがい搾取
I believe it means to be "paid by credit".

It is absolute corporate robbery that takes advantage of those who 
are just trying to realise their dreams.
Being in the art world, I have been taken advantage of in this way 
many many times, unfortunately. Being on Coconara, I see this 
happening much too often. ¥1,000 for a whole completed logo? 
¥2,000 for a 10,000 word article? Are you making a joke out of other people's time and talents???

Just recently, a flat mate of mine asked me to produce a whole photo shoot for them for just 200USD. $200! I felt very insulted and quite 
frankly humiliated.

This post isn't flowing well because the memories are making me 
extremely fatigued.
I'm going to take a nap and get ready for my actual job that has 
enough decency to pay me right.

Good night.