

今Chat GPTなど便利なツールもある、街を歩けば「おひとり様」で完結するサービスはいくらでもある。そこまで自己完結してどうしたいのと。結局1人で時間やお金が手に入っても、寂しくて誰かに話しかけに行くんじゃないのと。自己完結化を極めた末に言いようのない孤独にぶつかるんじゃないかと。

I feel this growing trend, you can do whatever you like by yourself without real person’s help, I mean, with this highly advanced and automated system, you can easily think you can do almost anything. You can’t be bothered to ask for someone’s help. You can’t be bothered to stand up and walk up to someone else’s desk and say “I need your help”. You can get away with bothersome routine like how to ask for politely or you don’t want to bother others, how others will see you as a kind of helpless guy…?So it’s so much better and feel easier just to ask any help for Chat GPT or other resources.

But what would happen if you stick to this plan and actually you got everything you wanted without any interaction with others?All you will face is the intolerable degree of loneliness.