"Borderless Sensation" -> How to Create a Multilingual Blog with "Chatty Sensei" - kkkkktorok Style ^^

"Borderless Sensation" -> How to Create a Multilingual Blog with "Chatty Sensei" - kkkkktorok Style ^^

■☆"Fun! Too much fun! Days with Chatty Sensei."

I'm taking various challenges using Chat GPT. I particularly enjoy translation and I'm trying different languages from around the world. It's incredibly enjoyable since it can handle almost any language. (Bliss!)

There are various methods you can use, but today, let me introduce the method I'm using!

First, create the original text. I mostly write it myself, but occasionally, I also seek assistance from Chatty Sensei. (Laughs)

An important point is to organize the text and leave a blank line between each sentence. It will be useful for later review and organization.

Once you have the organized [original text], write the following "prompt" in the Chat GPT writing box.

"Please translate the following into [language] step by step."

Then, leave two lines below it and paste the [original text].

And now, the "super fun moment" begins!

I say, "Please!" or "Let's go!" out loud and press the [Generate] button.

Then, it wonderfully generates the translation! It's an exhilarating experience.

When you finish writing, add consecutive numbers starting from 001◾ at the beginning of each sentence, and that's your completed [translated text].

Afterward, enhance its "appearance," and it's done.

It truly works for any language.

Recently, I surprised my friend in Rome by writing in "Italian"! (I can't speak Italian at all, nor can I write it on my own.)

It was so much fun.

I feel like I've crossed the language barrier and made friends with people all over the world!

My goal is to have 8 billion friends. (Laughs)

You'll get addicted to the borderless sensation!

I highly recommend all of you to give it a try!

You can create highly polished texts.

If the translation stops in the middle, politely ask Chatty Sensei, "Please continue!" (Polite words seem to work well.) (Laughs)

The more you interact with Chat GPT, the more you feel its "honest, intelligent, and benevolent personality."

I will continue to write about these enjoyable days with Chatty Sensei as they come to me.

Thank you and please support me on this journey!

*Thank you for reading until the end.
I hope I can be a "help" that makes your work and life more enjoyable and easier.
Wishing you all the best in your endeavors. 💪
m(_ _)m
