Divine Realm energy します
Divine Realm support your best
I will assist you in allowing your Higher Self (the Divine Realm or Superconsciousness) to work with you.
Your Higher Self and superconsciousness may help you reach to the best goal.
What is best for Higher Self may be different from what is best for human beings, and it may be confusing at times, but I hope you will trust
I will give you feedback on how you feel during the treatment.
Well,what is your "dream" or "problem"?
How to use this energy to make your dreams come true
For example, you want to become rich, right?
This is where your Higher Self comes in.
When Higher Self hears your wish to become rich, it may think that what you need most right now is self-love. If so the session will help you to have self-love.
The important theme of "self-love" lies in the path to realize the dream of becoming rich.
By having 'self-love', you can get a job that you truly love, be valued by your colleagues, and receive more salary.
Such a thing could happen.
占い > 人生・スピリチュアル