Duolingo にも使える TOEFL Integrated Speaking のキーワード。

講義が一度だけ読まれ、内容についての2つの質問に口頭でマイクに吹き込むことで答案を作成する integrated task。今回はこの講義を用いて単語学習を行うと同時に、話の流れをつかむキーワードを追いかける練習を、読み物として行うという挑戦を行います。Duolingo で用いられる単語の出題形式を使うとうまくいきます。

Reliability and Features
(Lis    ) to part of a (lec    ) in a (busi       ) class.

Female Professor: 
If a (con             ) has to choose 
between two products, 
what (deter      ) the choice?

Assume that someone, a (pur       ), 
is (ch         ) between two products
that cost the same. OK? If people
have a (ch        ) 
(bet       ) two identically priced 
products, which one will they choose? 
They choose the one they think 
is of higher quality, of course. 
But what does it mean 
for a product to be a 
high-quality product? 
Well, business analysts usually 
speak of two major factors of quality
—one factor is (re           ), 
and the other is what we call (fea       ).

So, reliability. What’s reliability? 
Well, a product is (re         ) 
if it works the way we expect it to work, 
if it can go a reasonable amount of 
time without needing (re          ). 
If a product, a car for example, 
doesn’t work the way it should and 
needs repairs too soon, we say it’s 
(un              ). So, product reliability
means, basically, the (ab           ) of 
(        fects) or problems that you 
weren’t expecting. It used to be that 
when people thought about (pro       )
(qua       ), they thought mainly about
(re            ). Today it’s different. People
do still care about (re          ), don’t 
get me wrong. It’s just that 
manufacturing standards are so now
so high that, take cars for example,
today, today’s cars all very (re         ). 
So (re             ) is important, but it’s
not gonna be the deciding factor.

So, if reliability isn’t the deciding
factor any more, what is? 
Features— all those (ex        ), 
the things a product has that (are    )
really (nece         ) but that make it
(     sier) to use or that make it cool:
for (ex           ), new cars today 
are (lo          ) with features like 
electric windows, sun roofs, 
air conditioning, stereos, 
(a     ) (s   ) (fo     ). When people 
are comparing products today, 
they look at features—because 
reliability’s pretty much equal 
cross the board. And that’s why
manufacturers include so many
features in their (       ducts).

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これがそのまま TOEFL の力をつけることにも使えます。まさに一石二鳥!

Duolingo にも使える TOE... 記事